The importance of continuing education for career progression

MSU CEdEC (Continuing and Extended Education Centre) tackles the question of career progression head-on, with a strong focus on getting students as prepared as possible for the professional world. As the only 5-star rated university by QS for working adults in Malaysia, CEdEC strives to deliver a balanced blended learning experience. The centre does this by offering flexibility, efficiency, and an undeniably strong support system to help learners face the challenges often faced by working adults who are on their journey towards career progression.

Blended learning comprises a mix of virtual classroom attendance and online learning, so students can gain in-depth knowledge from peers and lecturers while studying at their own pace from anywhere. Make no mistake, career progression is in fact attainable through the pursuit of further education. A good balance between work experience and well-focused academic certification can land you a rewarding job or grant you access to higher roles within your company.  Many adult learners at MSU CEdEC can reinforce this claim through their own personal experiences of undergoing courses that match their professional aspirations.

CEdEC Offers Expertise

Apart from switching careers completely, upward mobility in career progression is considered one of the most important aspects of working life. If you want to climb the ladder of your industry and earn the capacity to take on greater responsibility in your role, then reinforcing your conviction for the job with relevant education is the best step forward. This is what CEdEC specialises in – the accumulation of resources and expertise to help you onward and upward in career growth and mobility.

Instigating Career Preparation

Want to be more ready for career development? It’s proven that a strong network of supporting systems can help with your educational pursuits. CEdEC offers a peer-to-peer network of like-minded students from different backgrounds and working experiences. This allows you to learn not only from the highly acclaimed PhD holding professors from the centre but a host of study peers with something to share.

This means you get a more holistic learning experience, with the ability to delve into deeper aspects related to your career by sharing knowledge and gaining different insights to tackling challenges at work. What’s more, this is all done through flexible online learning techniques.

Reinforcing Career-driven Skill Sets

When it comes to climbing up the career ladder, it’s worth taking some time to evaluate your professional credentials. Mid-career professionals should examine if the talents they’ve acquired throughout the years are still relevant in their current jobs, especially if they plan to aim higher. As a result, before you start talking about a job promotion, it’s critical that you understand your current capabilities and identify any areas where you can improve. This can assist you in setting more reasonable and realistic career goals. From there, it’s time to look for opportunities to upskill.

With a massive selection of over 160 courses to choose from – each comprising precise modules for career excellence and reputable professors with plenty of experience – CEdEC delves deep into various areas of interest and uncover new aspects that are helpful to career growth. Whether you’re looking to pursue further education in business management, information sciences, engineering, social sciences, pharmacy, or postgraduate programmes, MSU’s Continuing and Extended Education Centre consolidates the best of all courses into a flexible and affordable offering.

A Career-Driven Learning Centre

MSU CEdEC allows you to accelerate your study period based on the previous work experience that you’ve accumulated. This way, you can graduate faster and get back on track to building the career of your dreams. There are a number of centres located nationwide, but lectures are conducted online so you have more than one way to study at your own pace. CEdEC does not compromise on quality as it strives to provide top-quality education through the expertise of highly qualified academicians and professors.

Correlation Between Education And Career Development

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, earning potential is linked to educational attainment. As a result, the more education you obtain, the more likely you are to be rewarded with higher pay. Employers value you more if you have more valuable abilities. They won’t hire three workers to complete separate duties if they could all be completed by one person. Become that valuable employee, and your reputation in the sector will rise over time.

In order to become that valuable employee, you must excel in your career by tackling hard problems with conviction. On top of this, you must adopt a growth mindset and be ready to accumulate as much knowledge on topics as fast as possible. You must be willing to adapt under pressure. 

The effective way to develop these capabilities is to equip yourself with a powerful education, and CEdEC is positioned to empower you with the knowledge, flexibility, and accessibility that’s necessary to win.